
ClimateDesign needs teaching vocabulary

Here are some links for didactics at the college level: Learning theory; Project-based instruction; Teaching tips

Here are nice links I found for teaching architecture to school children.
You might find inspiration for your postgrad students.

1. This website features “a weekly dose” (eine wöchentliche Dosis) of architecture http://www.archidose.org/past.html.

2. Didactics at school – The George Lucas Educational Foundation.

3. There was a series on skyscrapers on PBS (public TV) that includes some great materials (including a glossary): http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/buildingbig/sitemap.html



Picture Quiz 4

This one is really hard - who can guess what it is?

Here comes the solution - can you find the thing we are looking for on this tractor ;-) ?


The wind and the sun

The wind says to the sun: “I am stronger than you!” “No,” says the sun to the wind. “I am stronger than you!” The wind says: “Look at that man with his coat. If I can make him take off his coat, I am the strongest.” “OK,” says the sun. “And if I can make the man take off his coat, I am the strongest.” And so the wind blows and blows. But the wind makes the man feel cold. He pulls his coat around him. And then the sun shines on the man. It makes him feel hot. He takes off his coat. “See!” says the sun to the wind, “I am the strongest.”

Quiz 3

Now: Who can guess what this is? :-) Anne